Probably as simple and plain as anyone can put it, below is an easy way to understand these various perspectives through which life can be viewed. Neither is right nor wrong and all have their advantages and disadvantages. Some appear to be synonymous, but each expresses a unique idea about perspective.
First, let’s imagine we see a neighbor, Jimmy, running by.
The common viewpoint says – Jimmy is running.
The religious viewpoint says – You should view Jimmy’s running like this.
The spiritual viewpoint asks – Should I care that Jimmy is running?
The philosophic viewpoint says – This is why I care that Jimmy is running.
The metaphysical viewpoint says – Jimmy is running to the store.
The occult viewpoint asks – Why is Jimmy running to the store?
The common viewpoint can also be called the objective viewpoint. It is what we would all see and say we saw if we were asked to give factual testimony on what Jimmy was doing. “Jimmy was running, officer.” If I also added, “Jimmy was running to the store,” the cop would ask – “How do you know?” I would be expected to offer other factual basis for that viewpoint, since another dimension has been added to the common viewpoint.
The religious viewpoint offers a lens through which one could view life. To follow the dictates of religion is to let religion dictate our view. So, religion says - “You should view Jimmy’s running like this.” Religion is not there to see Jimmy run. Its claim is that it has seen a thousand Jimmy’s run. In so doing, it seeks to define what Jimmy running should mean for anyone who views Jimmy run.
The spiritual viewpoint is chiefly concerned with how the external world relates to internal growth. What’s to inspire me about Jimmy running? Thus, “Should I care that Jimmy is running?” Spirituality is personal and the concern for any aspect of it varies from person-to-person depending upon individual needs and desires.
If the spirit cares that Jimmy is running, the philosophical viewpoint attempts to explain why the spirit cares that Jimmy is running. Hence, “This is why I care that Jimmy is running.” Philosophy says – “This is my view on life.”
The metaphysical viewpoint observes that Jimmy is running and seeks to explain where, where-to, when, how, or how fast? Jimmy is not just running. Jimmy is running somewhere or in some way. So, metaphysics seeks to explain or add another dimension to Jimmy’s running. In this case, “Jimmy is running to the store.” How does one know that Jimmy is running to the store? One may observe that Jimmy runs down the block everyday at 5:45PM. His girlfriend gets off the bus by the store at 5:50PM. Jimmy meets her, buys snacks, and escorts her back up the block.
The occult viewpoint is concerned with the most intimate aspects of Jimmy’s running. “Why is Jimmy running to the store?” It may be observed that Jimmy doesn’t have to run to the store. Why doesn’t Jimmy simply walk? Why doesn’t he drive?
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